A Few Moments With Angelique Kronebusch

Interview with Angelique Kronebusch

Photo: Angelique Kronebusch
Today we’re going to spend a little time getting to know Angelique Kronebusch. Angelique is a personal trainer, and figure competitor located in Kelowna, BC, Canada.
PZ: Being from Canada, were you into winter sports growing up?
AK: When I was a child, I was into figure skating for a while. We went on a family vacation for 1 month in France and I never got back into it. To this day, I actually avoid winter activities as much as possible. I have tried to find something I enjoy during winter, but I do not enjoy the cold. I am a Summer girl and always have been.
PZ: Which do you like more, training or competing on stage?
AK: I like both equally, but training is something I will do for the rest of my life. Even though I love competing, this might not continue as long as I would like it to. But I really do enjoy the discipline and the hard work that comes with competing, and being very lean with a nice set of abs is not too shabby as well!
PZ: What did you do before personal training?
AK: I was an esthetician. I was really great at it until I became allergic to all the chemicals from the nail products. I always had fitness in the back of my mind.
PZ: What’s your favorite exercise?

Photo: Angelique Kronebusch
PZ: Who are your biggest influences?
AK: In the fitness industry, my biggest influences are Monica Brant, Jennifer Hendershott, Jaime Eason, and recently Chady Dunmore. Chady Dunmore recently is kicking major butt on stage and on magazine covers!
PZ: What advice should everyone follow?
AK: Go with your gut instinct and never let other people’s judgements influence your goals and dreams.
PZ: What do you do to relax?
AK: Relaxing is a hard for me. Sometimes I think I like to sit and watch TV or watch a movie, but I find that is a waste of time. I seem to always be on the go, and I get bored easily.
PZ: Favorite book/movie?
AK: I do not have any particular favorite books, but I do have a few favorite movies. On my list of favorites are “The Departed”, “Braveheart”, “Basketball Diaries” and “Catch Me If You Can”. I guess I am a big Leonardo DiCaprio fan, lol.
Angelique, thank you so much for taking a few minutes with us today.
If you’re in the Kelowna area, contact Angelique about working with her. She also offers online training, and boot camps. If you’re interested in figure competition, she also offers help in contest prep. Visit Angelieque’s website for more information, or catch her on Twitter.
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January 6, 2011 at 9:14 am
Angelique, it’s my goal to do figure competition in the future. I’m working my way there. Thank you for being such a great role model.
When my mom was pregnant with me, my dad was working in Vancouver. We lived there until I was 2. Then we moved to Spokane where my parents were from. B.C. has a very special place in my heart.
January 6, 2011 at 9:36 am
Wow, I love the fact that Angelique thinks watching tv is a waste of time and she always has do be doing something. I bet she trains hard, but the fact that she rarely sits down probably makes her fitness goals that much more easily attainable.
And you gotta love a woman whose favorite exercise is the pull up!
Susan@Home Workouts´s last [type] ..Grilled Pork Tenderloin With Rosemary-Mustard Rub
January 6, 2011 at 10:25 am
Oh, she is stunning. I also agree with her movie selections
January 6, 2011 at 10:35 am
@Anne, I think you’d do great in Figure. You’re not far off IMO.
@Susan, You’re right, sitting in front of the t.v. is a waste of time… but it’s soooooo relaxing sometimes. haha
@Julie, Angelique is stunning, and I like the movie selections too, although none are on my “fave” list.
January 6, 2011 at 10:43 am
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Angelique Kronebusch and Todd Boyer, Todd Boyer. Todd Boyer said: Interview with a Canadian powerhouse! http://bit.ly/h61K0X […]
January 6, 2011 at 3:37 pm
Thanks for all the great feedback and nice words everyone! Fitness is definitely my passion and I do as much as possible for others to stay fit and healthy!